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Saint-Pierre North
bourse saint pierre
ruines saint pierre
photo du coucher de soleil saint pierre Coucher de soleil saint pierre
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Classed as a French Heritage "Ville d'Art et d'Histoire" in 1990, Saint Pierre owes this distinction as much to the dramatic eruption that ravaged the city in 1902 as to the courage and talent of the inhabitants who, for over a century, have rebuilt and embellished the town while safeguarding the evidence of this terrible natural disaster.

Today, the ancient capital of Martinique, nicknamed at the time the "little Paris of the Antilles", can be visited by strolling along the cobbled streets to discover the restored ruins of the old buildings, the volcanological museum or the splendid Château Depaz and its rum distillery.

For the curious, the town of Saint-Pierre organizes treasure hunts to discover the town and its treasures. Find all the information on the Geogaming application (available on App Store and Google Play).

Explore the city

What to see and do 


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