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Martinique Tourism Authority

Role and Organization



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Role of Martinique Tourism Authority

Bringing together elected officials, representatives of public bodies and business leaders from the world of tourism, Martinique Tourism Authority (in French "Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme") works to showcase Martinique to the general public and promote the destination to professionals.


Installed in December 2003, the CMT is a Public Industrial and Commercial Establishment (EPIC) whose mission is to make Martinique a sought-after and prosperous tourist destination.
DATE OF CREATION : July 9, 2003
NUMBER OF AGENTS : 66 (headquarters: 57 agents - Americas Office: 6 agents - France/Europe Office: 10 agents)


Created on July 9, 2003 by the Regional and Departmental Collectivities of Martinique, the Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme (an industrial and commercial public establishment), is the institutional body responsible for tourism development in Martinique. It is the key player in all matters relating to the development and promotion of tourism in Martinique. It is chaired by Bénédicte di Géronimo, a councillor with the Martinique local authority.
The Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme aims to:
- Revitalize the destination
- Make Martinique a flagship destination
- Raising the level of service quality compared to competing destinations
- Significantly impacting the local economy to implement a virtuous dynamic


The board of directors of the Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme is made up of: 

21 members of the Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique: 

DI GERONIMO Bénédicte - President
MONROSE Michelle - 1st Vice-President
ISMAIN Félix - 2nd Vice-President 
VENTADOUR Alexandre - 3rd Vice-President 
ACCUS-ADAINE Nadia - Member of the Bureau
RAVIN Marie-Ange - Member of the Bureau
RAVIN Marie-Ange - Member of the Bureau RAVIN Marie-Ange - Membre du Bureau
TELLE Patricia - Membre du Bureau
CAROLE Francis
CLIO Fred 
CONCONNE Catherine
DUVERGER Jean-Claude 
EMMANUEL Christiane
NELLA Aurélie
NILOR Jean-Philippe
NORCA Stéphanie
PANZO Jocelyne 

9 socio-professionals: 

TRAQUE Sylvain : Chambre des Métiers
 COURBIER Julie : ARCAM (Association des Représentants des Compagnies Aériennes de Martinique)
CHALONO Eliane : F.M.O.T.S.I.
ROSALIE Emile : Chambre d'Agriculture
YANG TING Louis : S.P.H.R.D.B.
LECUYER Philippe : ZILEA - Membre du Bureau
BAUDE David : GTCM BAUDE David : GTCM - Member of the Bureau


  • Participate in the elaboration and implementation, for the missions that concern it, of the Schéma de Développement et d'Aménagement Touristique de la Martinique (SDAT) and prepare, at the request of the Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique, all files and studies necessary for the implementation of political decisions.
  • To set up and operate a system for observing, monitoring, analyzing and forecasting the various dimensions of tourism in Martinique, tourist-sending markets and competing destinations, in order to define a reasoned and evolving development and promotion strategy for Martinique.
  • To be a forum for consultation, a force for proposals, recommendations, coordination, needs assessment and follow-up with public authorities and companies for the design and implementation, by these partners, of tourism products and channels.
  • Participate in the implementation of Martinique's tourism development policy, in line with the orientations of the Schéma d'Aménagement Régional (SAR), the Schéma de Mise en Valeur de la Mer (SMVM) and the Schéma d'Aménagement Touristique (SDAT).
  • Develop a medium-term Marketing Plan and promote, by the most appropriate means, the Martinique destination and its tourism products, on external markets that represent identified development potential that aims to ensure, improve the destination's image and raise awareness among the population.
  • Design a policy for welcoming tourists to Martinique and organize useful welcome actions, coordinate information on actions to animate the territory, carry out awareness-raising actions among the Martinican population on the interest and ways to get positively involved in welcoming tourists, and support project developers concerning major events (cultural, sporting, etc.) that could be strong vectors of promotion on foreign markets.
  • Participate in the implementation of vocational training policy in the field of tourism, based on the guidelines defined by the Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique.
  • Exercer dans l'intérêt général et en vertu de l'article 11 de la loi du 13 juillet 92 (Centrale de Réservation), la mise en marché des produits et services touristiques.
  • Monitor and regularly evaluate all its actions and those of its partners.
  • Promotion through a Commercial Action Plan (CAP)
  • Le Développement et l'attractivité du territoire viennent renforcer l'action sur le territoire martiniquais par des actions relatives à l'aménagement, la valorisation de nos atouts, à amélioration de notre produit, de nos services et nos infrastructures.
  • Strategy, engineering and foresight are designed to support projects, evaluate actions undertaken, help guide territorial policy and anticipate development prospects. Monitoring and training are also included.

Office and Promotions on markets


The CMT Americas Office is responsible for designing, implementing, and coordinating all aspects of Martinique's tourism promotion on North America, the United States and Canada.


Impelled by the Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique and under the presidency of the Comité Martiniquais du Tourisme, the Bureau France-Europe is a genuine forum for exchange and information dedicated to promoting tourism in Martinique.